maandag 30 januari 2012

A dwarf and a Ogre

Well, i have had en bit of continuation on my friends dwarf, next to that its time to show the first pictures of the second army i am currently working on.

I already have finished 1 unit of Ogre bulls, pictures of that will follow later on, for now i will post some WIP (Work in Progress) pictures of the Firebelly.
It was a big hassle to get it ready for painting, i actually got a phonecall from Nasa, what those 7 Grand Canyons where doing on my balcony, so after a lot of greenstuffing and filling, i could start painting it a few days ago.
I hope you will enjoy the pictures, i know i enjoyed the painting (not the fixing GW's mistakes)

Which gets me to the Dwarf, so far i am really enjoying the model, painting 2 armies side by side and do the ocasional random miniature in between really keeps up the good spirit.
I am hoping to get this little guy ready by the end of this week, so i can also start on the second dwarf, some runeguy i think, not really that into dwarfs myself to know all those names.

Well some pictures for your pleasure:

vrijdag 27 januari 2012

Little guys for a friend.

As part of a deal i have with a friend of mine i promissed to paint him 2 Dwarf characters.
So yesterday i got started on the slayer, both are Avatars of War mini's, and they look pretty good.
Never got to paint a mini of them before, not everything is as i would like to see it, but i think that will happen always.

I can talk for ages, but in the end, we want pictures, so here we go.

donderdag 26 januari 2012

Finally some new stuff

Now it is time for some of my new stuff.
As mentioned before i am working on 2 armies at the moment, i choose to paint one on a bit higher level then the other one, so they actually some day will be finished.

I will start with some pictures of the vampire army:

The 2 Necromancers that have to do the trick now.

Ofcourse there are some units in the army as well.
I started off with a unit of 15 skeletons, a corpse cart en 5 black knights, the black knights are WIP atm, but i think it needs no saying at all.

zondag 15 januari 2012

Some more old stuff.

This Ethereal was painted last year

The Vampire i painted in 2009

Typhus also from 2009

That was some old stuff, starting this week i will start posting new stuff, this will contain te two armies (Ogre Kingdoms and Vampire Counts) i am working on right now, and some random stuff including commission painting.

donderdag 12 januari 2012

Eldar Farseer, part of my Iyanden Eldar army i painted in 2010


Since i recently joined Winged Brush Co, i got adviced to start a blog of my own over here.
So today i finally got to it.

As a short introduction of myself, i am Dennis, 30 years old, and have been a miniature collector and painter for roughly 8 years now.

My preference in what to paint change from time to time from whole armies, to pure single models or smaller skirmish units.

Since this is totally new to me, it might take me a few tries to get this all right.

I will start of with some "old" work of mine, hope you enjoy it.